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5 Reasons Why a Blog is Still Relevant for Your Website

In 2022, you may be thinking blogs are so 2010. This is a wrong assumption and could be costly for your business. It’s true that blogs were over-indexing 10 years ago to drive buyers to a website. This was because blogs represented the free internet and brands could easily tell stories to their customers and prospects.

SInce then, social media has taken over as the interface for most people. So it’s easy to assume blogs have gone by the wayside. However, we’re here to tell you that ain’t so. In the light of digital A.D.D.(aka social media) brands have the opportunity to capture the attention of their most important customers and prospects.

Maintaining a blog is the best way to keep that relationship going. And here are 5 reasons why managing a quality blog section on your website can pay huge dividends.

  1. SEO Still Matters
    Yes, Search Engine Optimization still matters to keep quality visitors coming to your website. The very best way to keep organic traffic coming to your site is by having keyword optimized blog posts.
  2. Show Don’t Tell
    Marketing departments have the charge of funneling qualified prospects. A quality blog post written by someone other than marketing has a profound impact on your customer. Your company has many internal voices and customers can sniff out marketing-speak instantly. A blog post can give them real world content.
  3. Recency
    By publishing a 200-500 word post every week or so can keep your brand fresh in the minds of your customers. Your customer experience demands a fresh approach and what better way to have a great convo than a blog post.
  4. Trust
    In 2010, customers trusted online brands more. It wasn’t saturated and the evolution of the internet was such that people still believed. Not so much in 2022. You have to prove over and over that you can be trusted online. By posting regular updates on you blog, customers will trust your brand more over time.
  5. Education
    This is a tried-and-true benefit of blogs since the beginning and it still matters today. The more prospects and customers can learn how to use your products and/or services, the more they want it. Teach everything you can think of around your niche, product or industry. Your community will support you.

A few takeaways. We called out quality quite a bit. This is the deep work you will have to do to make sure your blog posts aren’t watered down and too generic. They need to offer real substance. Enroll all employees to take a crack a writing a post or article. You can always edit and polish, but everyone has view that can be useful to your audience.

Go forth and write!

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